DBP: Double Bond Pharmaceutical is a distributor of Inofer in Russia and Belarus
"Now that Inofer proved to be effective in the latest clinical trial, we strongly believe in a great market potential for the product," comments the CEO of Double Bond Pharmaceutical AB Igor Lokot. - We are very happy to get rights for Inofer even for the largest country in the world"
More about previous agreements with Laboratoire XO: https://mb.cision.com/Main/12720/2445250/787980.pdf
More about DBP's clinical trial: https://mb.cision.com/Main/12720/2974295/1151389.pdf
More about Drugsson AB: www.drugsson.com
This information is information that Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 2nd of December 2019.
Full Company Name: Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB (publ)
Corporate identity: 556991-6082
Stock short name: DBP B
Share ISIN code: SE0007185525
For more info, contact
Igor Lokot, CEO
Homepage: http://www.doublebp.com/
E-mail: info@doublebp.com
Follow us on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/double-bond-pharmaceutical?trk=co-feed-likes-one) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/DoubleBondPharm)!
Information on Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB
DBP is a pharmaceutical company with the primary focus on development of therapies against cancer based on the company's own developed drug delivery technology BeloGal®. The company was granted Orphan Drug Designation status by European Medicines Agency (EMA) in June 2015 for its first product, SA-033, for treatment of hepatoblastoma. Double Bond Pharmaceutical acquired rights to Temodex, a drug registered in Belarus for treatment of brain tumours, in October 2015, and was granted Orphan Drug Designation status by EMA for in July 2016 for this formulation of temozolomide for the treatment of glioma. The formulation is now being further developed for registration in EU and globally and has a working name SI-053 in DBP pipeline.