Roblon (One-pager): Divestment of US unit to improve profitability in 2024/25
Read the latest Roblon One-pager update following the full year 2023/24 results. The One-pager includes a brief description of Roblon, an update to the high-performance cable component industry outlook, latest financials, valuation perspectives relative to a peer group, and outlines several key investment risks and key investment reasons.
For 2023/24 (covering the period 1/11-2023 to 31/10-2024), revenue will thus amount to DKK 347.6 million, divided between DKK 245.4 million on continuing activities and DKK 102.2 million on discontinued activities. EBITDA and EBIT are reported solely on continuing activities, and amount to DKK 44.9 million and DKK 29.3 million, respectively. Total result for the year will amount to DKK -9.6 million, divided between +21.0 million (continuing) and DKK -30.6 million (discontinued).
To learn more about Roblon, read the full one-pager below or catch up on the latest presentation of the FY 2023/24 event, hosted with Co-CEO and CFO Carsten Michno.
Link to event:
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Roblon for a DigitalIR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. / Philip Coombes 10:41 08/01/2025
Roblon är verksamt inom tillverkningsindustrin. Bolaget utvecklar fiberkablar med glasfiber och tillhörande maskinellt redskap för industriell användning. Produkterna säljs under varierande varumärken, anpassade för diverse processer och omgivningar. Kunderna återfinns inom flera sektorer, huvudsakligen inom industrin samt bland aktörer inom olje - och gassektorn. Bolaget grundades 1954 och har sitt huvudkontor i Frederikshavn.
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