SKAKO (One-pager): FY'24 revenue guidance lowered but with record order received in Q3
Read the latest SKAKO one-pager update following the Q2 2024 results as the company moves beyond its sale of SKAKO Concrete from late 2023. The one-pager includes a brief description of SKAKO, an update to the market outlook, the latest financials, and valuation perspectives relative to a peer group. It also outlines several key investment risks and key investment reasons.
SKAKO reduced its revenue expectations FY2024 following Q2 to 2-5% growth, from 5-9% growth, while maintaining its EBIT expectation for DKK 24-28m. However, the company announced its record order in August 2024 for a DKK 150m minerals project in Morocco, which will mostly impact 2025 and 2026 revenues. The company maintains its ambitions for 2028, which are 50% group revenue growth by 2028, with EBIT margins around 10%.
To learn more about SKAKO and its new outlook following the new record order, you can watch the latest Q2 2024 event hosted by SKAKO CEO Lionel Girieud and CFO Thomas Pedersen. Link:
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from SKAKO for a DigitalIR/corporate visibility subscription agreement./ Philip Coombes 11:00 04/09/2024
SKAKO är verksamt inom den industriella sektorn. Bolagets affärsinriktning är att erbjuda maskiner och vibrationsutrustning till den tyngre industriella sektorn. Exempel på produkter och tjänster som bolaget levererar inkluderar vibrationsmaskiner vid utfodring samt betonglösningar. Verksamhet innehas idag på global nivå. Bolaget grundades 1963 och har sitt huvudkontor i Fåborg.
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